
IMG_2321Thanks for visiting the Long Hello blog. I’m a mom of three kids, two typically developing girls and a boy with special needs.

The Long Hello shares our family’s experience raising a special needs child. I believe that open communication helps to demystify differences, increase tolerance, and create a community of acceptance for our son, our family and other families who love and care for special needs children.

The Long Hello doesn’t take stands or try to convince people what’s right for their family. When I take on controversial topics, it’s to share how we considered and resolved an issue.

In addition to parenting and blogging, I work in higher education for a private college. I write whenever I have time, and have contributed to Sunset magazine, Psychology Today, parenting magazines, public radio, and the op-ed pages of The Philadelphia Inquirer. The Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop has featured humor pieces from the Long Hello.  I spent a long time in school avoiding the real world, and have a PhD in Communications and an MSc in Social Psychology.